The ministry will meet first Sunday of the month, after the 8:30 AM (Polish) mass. Come join us. It's easy to pray and the rewards are countless!
"The Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, wheter temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families...that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary."
Sister Lucia dos Santos, Fatima Miracle
If you are new to the area and would like to register your child/children for Religious Education Classes, please contact the Director of Religious Education at the Church office or at
The Faith Formation at St. Mary Middletown follows the GIFTS Family Program.
Cancellation of Faith Formation classes due to the Weather: Please watch WFSB channel 3 or go to and WTNH channel 8 or go to PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE RECTORY FOR THIS INFORMATION. Also, if there is no public school, or if school is dismissed early, all religious education classes for that day are cancelled.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process by which a person becomes a full member of the Roman Catholic Church. It is a process of prayer, discussion, study and celebration. Any person, who is not baptized, baptized from other denominations, or baptized Catholics who have not received First Communion or Reconciliation are invited to attend. For more information, please contact the Church office.
The confirmation program is combined with St. Francis of Asissi Church in Middletown. Director of the program is Deacon Octavio Flores-Cuadra. Please contact parish office of St. Francis of Asissi Church (860) 347-4684 or our parish office of St Mary of Czestochowa Church (860) 347-2365.
Marriage preparation must begin six months prior to the wedding. To schedule a wedding, please contact the parish office.
Saint Mary Parish is always seeking to include more parishioners (both young and older) as ministers to assist at parish liturgies-both weekends and weekdays. This is an excellent way to serve the parish and enhance the quality of the parish liturgies.
There are a number of liturgical ministry opportunities: Alter Servers, Lectors, Cantors, Instrumentalists, Choir Members, Ushers, Greeters, Eucharistic Ministers, and Funeral Ministers. Training and on going formation opportunities will be provided. The following is a brief description of hte liturgical ministries at Saint Mary Parish:
Altar Servers assist the priest and Ministers of the Eucharist at Mass. Sometimes called "acolytes," they insure the smooth movement of the ritual elements of the celebration. We welcome parishioners who have received First Eucharist to consider this ministry. Training and peer mentoring is provided. Contact the Church office to speak with a parish staff member.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God to the assembly during the Liturgy of the Word. Along with the Liturgy of the Eucharist this is one of the two hinges of the celebration of the Eucharist. Those who serve on weekends are scheduled according to their availability; those who serve on weekdays sign up as they are available. Both are essential to a vibrant parish community. Training and ongoing formation will be provided. Contact the Church office.
Ushers and Greeters welcome those who come to attend a worship service at Saint Mary. They assist in the good order of the services and serve as "ambassadors" of Saint Mary Parish; they offer hospitality and make the first impression on visitors. Contact the Church office.
Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend and weekday celebrations of the Eucharist and on special occasions. Those who serve on weekends are scheduled according to their availability; those who serve on weekdays sign up as they are available.
In addition, some bring Communion to shut-ins at home and institutions; they are not necessarily scheduled for service at church. Eucharistic Ministers must be at least 18 years of age and fully initiated in the Catholic Church. Diocesan mandated training and ongoing formation will be provided. Contact the Church office.
St. Mary of Czestochowa supports the Amazing Grace Food Pantry on Stack Avenue, near Rome Avenue, in Middletown. The Families Feeding Families program provides 45% of the food going into the Pantry. The program allows churches to commit to providing specific food items once each month, through-out the year. St. Mary parishioners are requested to specifically provide donations of canned baked beans, as well as other non-perishable items. Place donations in the baskets in the foyer of the church for transportation to the food bank. The pantry is owned and operated by St. Vincent de Paul, and families and individuals may shop at the pantry once a month to shop for and pick up about three days worth of groceries, all free of charge. The pantry also directly accepts food donations, which can be dropped off. Call ahead for current hours, 860-347-3222 or view Please continue to be generous with your weekly donations.
Every Advent, we decorate one of our Christmas trees with wish tags from those in need in local shelters, domestic abuse refuges, and other institutions. We ask our parishioners to pick a tag, buy the item requested on the tag and return it to the indicated location in the Church reception area. Our wonderful volunteers go to the institution before Christmas and distribute the gifts. Our response to this annual tradition is always overwhelming! People like to help people.